================================================================================== Written by Barbara Hoefener, FNP 3/2021
Go to DigitalClinicians.com for an appointment. ==================================================================================
Group 1A:
Healthcare workers, correctional setting, group homes, foster care, caregivers
**Of note there are still plenty of Phase 1 A that are still not vaccinated and Oregon is still having vaccine shortage issues. The pharmacies are tying to help, Lane County Public Health is still the main source for vaccines through the Fairgrounds, but you need to sign up through them.
Use this link and click on the sign up link: https://lanecounty.org/cms/One.aspx?portalId=3585881&pageId=17261881
Phase 1B:
Jan 25: 70yr +, and Childcare providers
March 1: 65yr +
March 29: 45yr+ with underlying health conditions with increased risk, farm/ agricultural/ seafood workers, homeless, persons displaced by wildfires, firefighters.
May 1: 16yr+ with underlying health conditions with increased risk, and Multigenerational household members
Phase 2:
June1: 45yr+
July 1: All Oregonians Residents 16yr+
Update Directly from OHA- Oregon Health Authority.
