Quest Blood Work/ Labs
In office or your home
Phlebotomy Options to Obtain Bloodwork.
Quest is our primary lab
You have 2 options to obtain labs for your medical visit:
1. Go into one of the many Quest labs locations, make an appoint or walk in, $0 cost to you.
2. Schedule with phlebotomist- option 4 on phone.
Phlebotomy Fee:
$30 in office - or -
$60 in your home (nearby)
**Lab orders go through insurance or office bill**
-Outside Link provided for your convenience in making an "other" appointment for labs.
-Quest is the place for bloodwork, Quest is not part of Digital Clinic.
-All Orders of labs are in your Portal under My Health - reminders.
**Labs ordered should be covered by your insurance. If you have a large bill 2 steps: 1. Get an itemized bill from quest with the diagnosis code and test code used. 2. Call your insurance and get information about why they are/ are not covering. 3. Let Barb know the result.
CASH Price Labs
NO Insurance
You pay the office. Quest bills the office.
CBC -$13- Complete Blood Count
CMP -$10- Complete Metabolic Panel
- incl electrolytes, kidney and liver
Lipid Panel -$24- Total chol, LDL, HDL, Trig
TSH -$16- Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
T4 -$13- Active Thyroid in your blood
A1C -$16- Diabetic specific screen
OH25 -$47- Vit D3 specific Screen
B12 -$15- Vit B12 specific Screen
FE -$15- Iron specific screen
TOTAL: $160
OTHER Specific Tests for Add-On
Testosterone $33
PSA $67- Prostate specific antigen- cancer screen
Urine Drug $200**
FYI- Without enough vitamin D in the blood, the body will pull calcium from the bones. Left untreated, a vitamin D deficiency can lead to osteoporosis. This is a medically relevant test.